If you're anything like me, you leave a load of Subversion working copies around, having checked them out to work on briefly, checked them back in, then having forgotten to delete then. Sometimes, of course, we forget to do the checkin too. Perhaps they're working copies on a server which is having work done directly on it. Either way, wouldn't it be nice to have an easy way to find those uncommitted files and working copies?

Uncommitted files in your home directory: * find ~ -type d -name .svn | sed "s/.svn//" | xargs -L 1 svn status | sort | uniq* Uncommitted files across the entire machine: ** find $( ls / | sed -r "/^(dev|proc|sys)$/d;s/^(.)$///" ) -type d -name .svn | sed "s/.svn//" | xargs -L 1 svn status | sort | uniq***

There are some obvious inefficiencies here, but it runs in reasonable time on both servers and laptops here. Refine it at your leisure …